Restaurant Review - HeSheEat - Hong Kong

Mouthwatering food with awesome design!


Some time ago, we were delighted to find an absolutely great place for enjoying quality desserts with reasonable price. If you remember, there's one post showing how likable their desserts are and that's why we were curious about the quality of their savory dishes. Well, this is the time. We came here - the newly opened outlet located in a superb location - just 10 seconds walk from the nearest MTR station. Pink is the theme colour and the design was modern and chic. It gives us the feeling of spacious environment with good lighting while managed to be cozy enough for friends and family gathering.

Our night started with this Purple Potato Latte (HKD 30). The little heart on the top of the latte was so sweet and pretty. And you can see the purple color has gradually changed with the altitude, such a technique! It was sweet with the light flavour of purple potato and was especially comforting when served warm. 

The HSE Green Brunch (HKD 128) was really a feast for both your eyes and tastebuds. There are in totals 4 items, including Avocado Toast with Onsen Egg, Baked Herb Butter Portobello and Cheese, Potato Salad, and Cheery Tomato Mozzerella Pesto Salad. Well, it would be too difficult to say which one is the best since each one was so unique. The Pesto Salad took much effort to prepare since some cherry tomatoes and mozzerella were put inside a larger tomato; while the Avocado toast was sprinkled with enough seasoning to create the richness in flavour. The presentation scored full mark!

The Buffalo Wings (HKD 55) was nothing close to the common buffalo wings since blue cheese and red pepper sauce has been used here. For the first bite, you can already taste the likable flavour of blue cheese which, to my surprise, goes quite well with the wings. The pepper sauce has given a kick to the spiciness of the wings overall - but not to the point of being too spicy.

Lobster Pasta in Cheese Sauce (HKD 148) was another charm. The pasta used here was directly order from overseas which was made from fresh eggs so the texture of it was very different from the one we used to eat. It was thinner with richer and earthy taste of the eggs. For the lobster, it was superbit and it was very well flavoured with a tongue-tingling amount of cheese and black pepper. We particularly appreciated the homemade baked cheese - very tempting and crispy while managed to look good!

This 24 hour Slow-Cooked Baby Pork Rib with Citrus Sauce (HKD 138) has definitely wow-ed us. The meat’s richness was balanced by the fresh fruit salad veggies and sweet + sour citrus sauce. Instead of using the common pre-made BBQ sauce (which is usually quite heavy and salty), this homemade one has certainly gave this dish its uniqueness and a strong reason for a re-visit. It was the most heavenly ribs we have tasted thus far. The pork rib was huge in size as you can see - it was really good value.

Cinnamon Apple Puff Pastry with Caramel Ice-cream (HKD 62). This one was so special because of its not-commonly-seen combination. Puff topped with apple topped with caramel ice-cream! It was seriously addictive yet surprisingly light, and we couldn’t stop spooning mouthfuls of the ice cream haha. By the way, are you aware of its artistic presentation?

The Lavender Panna Cotta with Summer Berries (HKD 55) was elegantly plated. The pudding with fresh mixed berries made for a simple, not-too-sinful treat at the end of the meal. We love the earthy flavour of the milk as well as its super silky texture. Even for this relatively traditional Western kinds of desserts, they have carefully added some creative ideas on the presentation side and surprised the diners without compromising on the taste.

Here's the Love Corner that has melted my heart. This little private area is a perfect place for couples to enjoy their time and dishes while served as a good background to take some selfies. In addition to regular tables and this Love Corner, the place also has a little bar at the side for solo diners. How caring!

Meet and Exceed?

It is not common for us to come across a place that is capable in designing the full-of-surprise menus as well as the environment. Every thing that the diners were being presented was more than a dish - but a dish in their very own styled with added flavour or a twist in presentation. No matter the traditional dish or a relatively modern ones, they have all turned out to be decent ones, both in terms of the taste and the presentation. The savory dishes part did not let us down, and we are glad that we have tried them. Would we go back again? In a heartbeat.

HeSheEat // 852-5571-3056 // Facebook page

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